
Wildwood Baptist Church Children’s Ministry’s direction is to partner with parents to guide kids to have a heart for God. It’s helping children become more like Jesus over time. It involves a series of actions or steps children take to achieve the desired end.

We minister to P-K, Kindergarten-6th. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. for Bible Study, divided into grade groups; then, we join the Main Worship Service at 10:15 for announcements and song worship. Before the main sermon begins, the children are dismissed to attend the children’s church.

We offer Wednesday night children’s church as well. Our Wednesday service consists of fun, fellowship, and lessons on growing in faith and a heart for Jesus.

Also, we offer VBS once a year. VBS (Vacation Bible School) is to incorporate themed activities that entertain kids with the chance to learn about God. Church membership is not required to participate. VBS is a four-day affair that runs from 6-8:30 p.m. in the summer. Vacation Bible School teachers are church members volunteering their time. Many of the church members helping out with VBS are parents, too.

Trunk or Treat Candy Donation

Trunk or Treat candy donations or monetary donations are needed. Starting October 1st, there will be a box for candy donations in the lobby. We will be collecting candy up till October 29th. If you would like to offer monetary assistance instead (we will need to purchase a few items), you can place your donation in an offering envelope, mark the envelope with what the gift is for (i.e., Trunk or Treat), and put it in the offering box on the wall.

Submission received, thank you!

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