Grief Share

GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. We understand that other losses in life create feelings of grief. You might be experiencing a job loss, a divorce, estrangement from a child, or the loss of friends because of a move.

This grief is real, but it is not the kind of grief discussed in GriefShare sessions. We encourage you to ask a pastor, counselor, or church leader for help in finding resources that will be of specific help in your situation:  GriefShare.

Our Bereavement Ministry is there to provide a ministry of compassion and presence as we offer support and prayer to families during their time of bereavement.

Trunk or Treat Candy Donation

Trunk or Treat candy donations or monetary donations are needed. Starting October 1st, there will be a box for candy donations in the lobby. We will be collecting candy up till October 29th. If you would like to offer monetary assistance instead (we will need to purchase a few items), you can place your donation in an offering envelope, mark the envelope with what the gift is for (i.e., Trunk or Treat), and put it in the offering box on the wall.

Submission received, thank you!

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